Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines

Workshop logo here.

Allotted time for each presentation

Plenary talk: 40 minutes.

Invited talk: 25 minutes (including 5-minute Q&A time).

Contributed oral talk: 15 minutes (including 3-minute Q&A

Poster presentation: 120 minutes.

Guideline for Plenary/Invited/Contributed oral presenters

A projection laser pointer and a
laptop computer with MS PowerPoint 2016 and a latest

version of Adobe Acrobat Reader will be provided for oral
presentations. We kindly ask

the speakers to upload the
presentations to the computer during break time before the
session. It is recommended for
Oral presenters to make slides with the XGA standard
(1024 × 768).
The speakers may use their own
laptops, compatible with VGA video connectors. In

that case, we kindly ask to test the computers during break time
before the session.

Guideline for Poster Presenters

Boards and push pins will be
provided for poster presenters. The boards will fit posters

up to A0 format (W841 mm x H1189 mm). Please display the paper
title, author names,

and affiliations at the top of the posters. The presenters should
stand in front of their

posters to discuss their results with attendees during the allotted
session time.

Posters may be set up from the morning of the day of the poster
session. They should

be taken down within 1 hour after the session ends. The posters that
are left until the

end of the day will be discarded by the program committee.